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Live data is the most important product we sell in our smart parking industry.

3 steps to your digital twin

What is a digital twin in the smart parking or digital recycling center world? Read on to find out what your digital twin may look like and what it can achieve - and how the set-up works.


1. choose your insights & location

Which space do we digitize and which use case should be implemented?

All usecases presented are "off the shelve" available & "over the air" deployable on each and every already sensor installed. Feel free to click through our data services...

MArked parking spots digitized with SONAH


2. installation & project management

The setup of a sensor can be done within 10-30 min. Trained SONAH personnel perform the setup themselves or accompany the setup remotely.

We install our sensors at various heights depending on how much area they need to cover.

Plug & Play

3. calibration & training

After setup, the system needs time to calibrate. Depending on the specific case, about 4-8 weeks after the installation are required.

Our AI-enabled sensors for digital parking guidance and more.

ai enabled

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The smart parking sensor detects a change in its surroundings.


An event is a change of state in the sensor environment. By sensor environment we mean urban space, such as streets, sidewalks, or parking lots, where the sensors are usually attached to streetlights, buildings, or masts.

Parking guidance systems can collect data via sensors like our camera-based sensors.


​The SONAH sensors are detecting the events and analyze them locally. Only the result / meta data is send to our cloud via mobile communication

Camera-based sensors that do not store data.


Our backend stores the metadata in the cloud. There, the data is validated, verified, and enriched with third-party data to provide complex analytics and usable insights.

We help companies and cities gather the data they need for smart parking apps and mobility apps.

End user

Our live data and analytics can be shared

in user interfaces and via REST API with third-party services, such as mobility & parking and navigation apps or parking guidance management systems.

how does it work

data privacy by design

Driven by our values, we have developed technology that enables cities to leverage AI while at the same time not creating a disrupted information gap between authorities and citizens!


We serve citizens and therefore all our technologies and services are GDPR compliant.

We do not save images throughout our detection processes. For additional information check out our

FAQ section or contact us directly.



features available

Click on the buttons to get to the services available now!


What infrastructure do we need to provide you with insights?

Permanent power supply

How do camera-based parking sensors process images?

Our system requires reliable connectivity. Due to maintainability and the possibility to push updates at any time, we require a separate sim card per sensor.

Do you need a permanent power supply to digitize parking spots?

We need a permanent power supply. This is usually provided by the streetlight itself.

(4G & 5G)

Elevated & free


We install our sensors at various heights depending on how much area they need to cover.

Our system requires an elevated and unobstructed perspective to digitize the space. Trees and other obstacles that block the view should be avoided.

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